Friday, March 30, 2012

The End...and near

This will be my blog as one journey ends and another begins. In less than 50 days, I will be gradating from Texas Tech University with a degree in University Studies, better known as three minors. Those are English, French and Music. What can I say, I like different things.

Come September, I will be starting graduate school at Emerson College, wayyyy out in Boston. Not quite down the street from Texas. I'm not too concerned about the distance. I just hope to not let my shy nature get the best of me. If there was any time for me to spread my social wings, this is it. There will be many things to do, places to go, people to meet, and memories to make. I shall not worry or fret, though, because this was God's will, so it is up to me to step into His will and make moves.

Right now I feel like I'm in the calm before the storm. I'm very excited to graduate and enjoy all the (ahem) goodies that will come my way in the months to come, but I'm even more excitied to make the big move to New England. I absolutely LOVE traveling and dwelling in new cities. Ever since I was seventeen and started riding the Metro in Houston, no one has been able to stop my traveling escapades. I even had some adventures on my bicycle as kid, but I digress.

What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to take everyone with me and share my experiences while in grad school. I don't have an extensive background in editing and English, but I have enough natural practice to help me learn things. I look forward to exploring the world of magazine publishing and how these modern pieces of literature come to be. In the end, I plan to launch one of my own, letting my voice be heard, and showing something people have never seen before. I will making my own path. Will you come with me?

Until words meet the screen once again, I bid you adieu.

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