Friday, September 21, 2012

Beantown, Thy Name is Shondrika

Greetings from Boston!

This past Wednesday made three weeks since I have been in Massachusetts. It still amazes me that I made it here after almost not making it here. It was no one but God that allowed me to travel this far and start on a new journey.

My first week was filled with exploration of the city and adjustments. I didn't have class until September 10, so I attended orientation, met some people in my department, and realized how many staff members knew I was. I did not think that they were paying attention to my various posts in the Facebook group of accepted students, but I was recognized right off the bat. I felt a little famous!

I started to get settled into my new home on Newbury St. Since I didn't bring all of the crazy amounts of stuff with me, I was fully unpacked my first day in. Now that a few weeks have passed, I miss some of my little knick-knacks. I also discovered that I left my belt, along with a few other little things, all the way back in Houston. I might have some things sent to me, mainly my craft box and posters. Those truly had me feel at home. My magazines would be great too.

Last Monday night was my first class of grad school! I was a little nervous because of the impending workload upping the ante on my little educational journey. I went from scattered classes throughout the week to Monday and Tuesday evenings only. Oh, but don't let that fool you. I have reading on top of reading, on top of editing, on top of future research, a presentation, and some papers. What stood out to me was the fact that no time was wasted. The classes within the program are practices that occur in the present day in the publishing industry. Core classes in undergrad always annoyed me because they didn't seem to fit into what I was going to learn later. Not here, though. I spend my week reading and learning, and during class we discuss/work on exercises. This is what I have been waiting for! 

Under the excitement of school and my not one, but TWO jobs at Emerson, I am learning to be an adult. I am finding out what works for me as far as food and travel. No one from my close circle is here to make sure I'm okay, but I have been seeking others in different ways.

I found a church I really like, Charles River Church, south of town. The small congregation was very welcoming to me, and the sermons are very penetrating to my spirit. Though I am new in town, I want to be able to impact my sphere of influence, somehow, someway, and reflect Christ as much as I possibly can. It's weird how I tend to come off as a woman of quiet strength and courage among believers. I visited the church after four days of being in Boston and shared my testimony! God had done so much for me and through me over the summer that I had to share and praise Him actively for his work.

I would say I am about half-culture shocked from being here. I live close to downtown, so many visitors flock to this area to shop, eat, and do business. There are also a multitude of students from across the country and across the world. It's exciting to see and slightly off-putting at the same time. I like to explore the true essence of a city, in its regular neighborhoods with regular people. It is my hope to explore the different areas of Boston further during my time here, including less expensive eateries :)

I am amazed at myself for getting quite a bit accomplished in such a short period of time, and I'm only just beginning. October is just around the corner, and so is fall, and I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me during this new busy season of my life. 

Dwelling in a foreign land,

P.S. Football is not a very big deal here. I don't know how I feel about it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Last Day in the Bayou City

After learning some hard lessons and crying out to God, I am on my way to Boston!!!!!

Realistically, getting a job a month before leaving the city is not ideal. Barely working part-time is even worse, but that is what I did. I was hired as a hostess at an organic grille and bar. Mind you, I have never hosted a day in my life beforehand, but I have worked with people, and I know what it's like to be to first person you see. I would like to say that working was a divine blessing. I finally got to spend some time out of the house, and I actually bonded with my co-workers. I love being a hostess, to be honest. My feet hurt from standing so much, but I got to meet different people and learn how to kinda read them.

Something in me kept from freaking out when different obstacles came up. I tend to stay calm when plans start to fall apart. Though I did not get to earn everything I wanted over the entire course of the summer, I was able to see God working through the situation and through my own mishaps. When God has a plan for you, He won't let anything get in the way of it come to pass, including ourselves. Or, I should say, He'll never take that purpose away from you, know matter how sidetracked you get. Once you realized His purpose, things just go a whole lot smoother.

Now that reality is setting in, I am becoming sad. I will miss my hometown, my family, and my friends. I'll be a good 1800 miles away from home, but I know that this will be the start of a brand new journey. I am making a fresh start. I was talking to one of my best friends recently, and I described Emerson as my second undergrad. And it shall be my second undergrad, but with the next level of learning. For the last few years, I had felt that I was smart just to be smart. I had no clear path to follow with my knowledge. I was discouraged from learning fully, and I was wasting time running away from writing. When I stopped running, learning became fun again.

I received an email from one of my professors. We'll get to argue about our grammar pet peeves. I cannot describe how excited I am for this class and for the other classes in my degree plan.

But for the next day, I shall enjoy being in Houston among loved ones. Then, I will start my transition.

Last note: I'm flying Southwest. They are my favorite airline! Bags fly free! My next post shall be from the east coast.....

Drika the writer

Monday, July 9, 2012

Crossing The Summer Bridge

I love summer. Tis a wonderful time of vacation, relaxation, and enjoying the sun, food, and loved ones. However, I also like to think of summer break as a bridge to cross between school years. I never took summer school classes while in college, so I was free to do different things. And I did! I traveled for three of my summers and stayed home for one. I just really really like school and staying busy! That being said, this is how my cross has been so far.

The sheer chaos and grandeur of graduating and receiving my Bachelor's degree has come and gone, and I have been spending my days in Houston, just like I was desperately waiting for while I was in Lubbock. However, something is missing from my dream stay at home: employment. As the weeks have passed (about six so far), I watched my plans start to slowly unravel and circumstances change.

Here is what I had in mind: I would graduate from Tech, come back and get a job, start working over the summer, and midway at some point, I would visit Boston and secure my apartment. After that, I would continue to prepare for my big move (book a one-way flight, sort through what I want to bring with me and have sent up yonder, finally purchase a new suitcase) and be on my merry way come August. This is what has happened: I got home and began my job hunt, only to realize not so many places have applications available on hand, like I originally thought, and had to play the waiting game to hear back from different places. I also realized that I would need to follow-up with prospective jobs so they know that I want to work there.

The main lesson here: I needed to line up a job before I even left Lubbock, just like I had been advised, that way I would have gone to work and get to saving. Because of my delay, some places never called or even rejected me. I have found myself staying at home day after day, some days sleeping it away because I have found myself going a little crazy. I even had a breakdown one night because I was having a really bad day. The realization that my stubbornness and lack of pro-activity has landed me here was very heavy on me, leaving me to spend my days in great regret.

What pulled me out of my slump was talking to friends. I have no friends that live immediately close to me, so I've been texting away, talking on the phone, and even an little video chatting. The more I talked, the more I was pointed to God in one way or another. I've had some moments when I had to be real with God and ask for a job. I am a firm believer that He provides very well, but I wasn't doing my part. I wasn't applying for different jobs, following up, and applying some more. My slump was really getting to me when I talked to a friend who said something to snap me out. I had to realize (and remember) why I want a job in the first place. It's more than just keeping myself busy and staying away from home. I want a job so I can get to Boston. Boston and Emerson College is my ultimate goal.

I've been spending some more time with God, little by little, and He's been revealing some things to me. I'm now reassured that He will do His part as long as I do mine and I don't give up. Right now, my prayer is that He provides me with a means to get to Boston so I can become a great communicator. Instead of being discouraged by my current circumstances, I am encouraged by my hope in God to honor my effort.

I am hoping to start working soon so crossing the second half of this bridge will become a little easier.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Commencements Galore

For the last two weekends, I have been catching various video streams, Facebook statuses, tweets, and pictures of my friends, near and far, graduating from college. I find it so wonderful seeing people cross over from students to alumni amongst their loved ones and dear friends. I have seen  this as a precursor to the events that are to come this weekend when I got to join the ranks of the Class of 2012.

One (or two) commencement that really go to me was the Emerson College graduate commencement. I watched it for the heck of it yesterday (yes, they graduated on a Monday.) Though I wasn't filled with pride to see the graduates because I didn't know who they were, I really liked the offical commencement speeches from the designated speaker, student speaker, and president of the university (who is black, by the way :P). I fell in love with the school all over again. Dr. Pelton's speech almost made me cry. He mentioned something about communication, and I was sent into reflection of my personal journey.

I learned two summers ago that one of my spiritual gifts is creative communication. I have a creative way of sharing things and telling stories to people. After that moment, I got into crafts, a little dabble here and there. Now I have a special craft box with all of my happy supplies, including paints, glues, ribbons, and wooden letters. Craft time for me is a very happy time for me. I crank up my music, break out my materials and go to town. I just let my creative juices flow.

I may not be the best verbal communicator, but in other ways I thrive, and I have seen the fruits of sharing my gift with others. When Dr. Pelton mentioned how the graduates were communicators, I felt how true the statement was. Emerson College produces learned communicators in their field of choice. They are artsy people, storytellers, overlookers of those stories, reaching the masses with their craft. That is exactly what I aspire when I start in the fall. I want to become a learned communicator, willing to reach the masses with my story, or rather, bring information and inspiration about hair and fashion. Then I can become a fellow change agent in the great big world.

One last note: Bobbi Brown was honored by her alma mater (Emerson College!) and was awarded an honorary doctorate. I also discovered that she is on one of the boards at Emerson. Can you say possible connection? 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Apartments and Money: It's Getting Real

The last two days have been rather productive, informative, and some learning lessons along the way. I am making big girl steps toward handling my money and getting ready for Boston.

Wednesday: I made my way over to Red to Black, a financial planning organization at Tech where students help students handle money better. I don't know how to budget, so I went to the walk-in time. Unfortunately, the only person there at the time had to leave, but I did get to talk to him for a bit and give my availability and contact info. All in all, I'm glad I went. Hopefully I can have an appointment and step into the wonderful world of budgeting!

While on the money tip, financial guru Dave Ramsey's daughter, Rachel Ramsey Cruze, came to speak at Tech. It was sponsored by Mentor Tech, Pegasus, Red to Black, and other Tech departments. What she talked about I had heard and seen before. It came from her father and his series, Financial Peace University. Shout out to Impact for showing that to us at Impact K.A.M.P. 2010! Anyway, I asked her about building credit and how she felt about it. Bottom line, if you learn to save money, you don't need it. Credit, credit score and credit history is about borrowing and how much debt you accumulate and pay off. I like that view very much, and once I pay off my own student loans, I will saving money like that too!

Then I had a communication breakdown without realizing it. She shared a story about a couple that together had accustomed a student loan debt of $180000...and they were engaged! That's crazy. They borrowed all they could, and now the guy cannot work abroad like he would like because of his debt. So I thought,"I don't want to end up like him (I won't really though) so I'll ask her how to prevent that." Granted, she talked about how to avoid student loans by applying for scholarships and working through school. That pretty much answered my question, which is what I've been thinking for the last few weeks. Here is how I started my question: "I'm pretty much headed in the couple's direction....and all the financial aid I see is the Stafford Unsubsidized Loan..." I believe how she heard it was "I'm going to grad school and all I can do is take out loans" and not "I'm heading to a private school, all that is available at this point in the school year is loans, but I plan on applying for scholarships, and I could be receiving some need-based aid from the school to offset the loans....would working and scholarships be a good idea to prevent getting $40000 loans in total?"

Unfortunately, she advised me to reconsider Emerson and think about going to an in-state school that may not have the same program but will give me something to work with. By this time, miscommunication had been made, and I was trying to say I looked at what's in state and I didn't want it, so I'm going to Emerson. She felt bad because it wasn't the answer I was looking for, and she hugged me. It helped a little bit, but I was confused by that. Then something Candice told me popped in my head. Sometimes I really need to explain myself fully when I speak, that way people know what I'm talking about and can respond accordingly. Since I didn't explain myself completely, she answered my question based on the info I gave her. That sucked. I wish I could email her and explain myself, but I'm not sure how.

Just to be clear, I am going to Emerson. I already paid the enrollment fee, and God is allowing me to go, so it is my belief that He will provide for me, whether it's money from somewhere or opportunities to apply for good scholarships and having a job. Which leads me to....

Thursday: I had the esteemed pleasure of talking to not one but TWO Emerson departments. I was wondering about my financial aid, so I called the office this morning to see if I had everything in. I do! I shall find out how I'm being awarded in about two weeks.

I also had a phone appointment with Off-Campus Student Services. This was a very fruitful conversation. I found out that I will need to have a security deposit at the least when I sign the lease, meaning I cannot start saving when I get back home, but NOW if possible. Now is the time to be securing that wonderful place for September. Then I thought of something: I'm graduating next month (whoo!), so why not just use whatever graduation money I receive? He went further to suggest that I request only money so I can secure a place as soon as possible. So ingenious! Not only will I get free money from graduating, but it will have purpose. I feel an apartment would be a smart investment of sorts anyway. Also, I'll have less I'll need to save for as far as moving expenses, and the money can go towards food and such.

I'm glad I learned a few things this week. I am moving forward and being proactive about finding a place to live. I usually don't act on it very much at all, but I like to be prepared for big things. Maybe now this can be a start to preparing more often for such big decisions and moves.

One final note: 36 days til graduation!!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The End...and near

This will be my blog as one journey ends and another begins. In less than 50 days, I will be gradating from Texas Tech University with a degree in University Studies, better known as three minors. Those are English, French and Music. What can I say, I like different things.

Come September, I will be starting graduate school at Emerson College, wayyyy out in Boston. Not quite down the street from Texas. I'm not too concerned about the distance. I just hope to not let my shy nature get the best of me. If there was any time for me to spread my social wings, this is it. There will be many things to do, places to go, people to meet, and memories to make. I shall not worry or fret, though, because this was God's will, so it is up to me to step into His will and make moves.

Right now I feel like I'm in the calm before the storm. I'm very excited to graduate and enjoy all the (ahem) goodies that will come my way in the months to come, but I'm even more excitied to make the big move to New England. I absolutely LOVE traveling and dwelling in new cities. Ever since I was seventeen and started riding the Metro in Houston, no one has been able to stop my traveling escapades. I even had some adventures on my bicycle as kid, but I digress.

What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to take everyone with me and share my experiences while in grad school. I don't have an extensive background in editing and English, but I have enough natural practice to help me learn things. I look forward to exploring the world of magazine publishing and how these modern pieces of literature come to be. In the end, I plan to launch one of my own, letting my voice be heard, and showing something people have never seen before. I will making my own path. Will you come with me?

Until words meet the screen once again, I bid you adieu.